What People Say About Us....

Have you ever listened to someone play and you instantly you go to a certain time and place? Rick and Marilyn do this. They are folk singers that bring you along with them to a place of social change and folk songs. Their songs are timeless in a way that they seem just as relevant today. Their chemistry is amazing. Check them out if you get a chance! Kara Keeler, Photographer

What an easy welcoming sound these two artists share with their audience... Carol R.

Loving your new LP.... Gee McGee

Saturday, January 21, 2023


What a great sadness...

... to know we will never hear David Crosby again, singing live with Graham Nash and Stephen Stills (and sometimes Neil Young). 48 hours ago, when I first heard the news, I did not believe it. A brief internet search turned up a scam site that said it was not true, relieving my mind. My friends and I were cautiously optimistic, until Graham, then Stephen wrote heartfelt statements about his passing. 

It was true.

I never was a big fan of David's solo work, but his harmonies with everyone he ever sang with were perfection. I wasn't crazy about his songs, overall preferring a faster beat, but I have to admit, he created these lovely, flowing soundscapes with his music that takes you to another place.  I did not appreciate his opinionated ways, but I have to credit him for always being forthright and speaking his mind. And, in every interview, all the time, he focused on the healing power of MUSIC. There is a lot there to respect. 

I think the world is a little less bright today because he is gone. I will miss him. RIP David Crosby.
Jam a little with Jerry, David.

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